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Pilihlah Calon Wakil Rakyat Yang Anda kenal!

Minggu, 08 Juni 2008

Klarifikasi Biaya Cetakan Awing Asmawi

I forgot how many times I made same mistakes in the same business. I did a really terrible works. I had some jobs from my sources of interview to print on digital and offset printing. For offset printing, the client (he is a candidate of Representative -- Senator -- for Province of West Java from Democratic Party, Mr. H. Awing Asmawi), I had delayed some of his jobs given to me. I kept in busy of promoting his One Way Vision Sticker for Downtown Public Transportation in Bekasi Districts. Only 4 stickers I could put on the trans. I should have asked someone else to do that, but I didn't.

So stupid. Why? Because the main job from him was the big deal and more important to do. The small stickers in tandem with candidates of District Representative of Bekasi City and Bekasi District. Each sticker cost Rp. 100,- He gave me order to print 5000 to 10.000 pcs sricker for 22 candidates, so they cost at least Rp. 11.000.000,- to 22.000.000,- plus the cost of One Way Vision Sticker printing is Rp. 2.000.000,- (printing cost included the placement fee for every public transportation).

But the matter of fact, Awing gave me Rp. 5.000.000,- and Rp. 8.000.000,- (in two bank transfers) so the total I received in my Bank Account was Rp. 13.000.000,- Unfortunately the cost of purchasing the raw material (chromo paper stickers in plano size -A0) was Rp. 16.000.000,- for total order given to print.

So I must collect more Rp.3.000.000,- from other account. Yes, I did miscalculation. Frankly the printers company didn't bother with that, but still I had a big problem. I couldn't bring the printings out of the printing factory, unless I pay up the printing cost. So I just took some of them and deliver to Mr. Awing's House. I knew he was very angry because we didn't keep in touch. No communication and no connection at all for couples of weeks. Yes, it was pain in their asses.

But what could I do? For looking the substitution, I made some new accounts from other party, anyhow the more times I kept going around with other clients, the more money I spent out. And at last minutes of the limit (Do you know how angry Mr. Awing for waiting more than couples of weeks?) I finished the job I had promised done a long time ago.

My colleague, Mrs. Bunda Ratu told me, "It's better late than never!" Yups, but still had to apologize for the delay. My other friends, Mr. Zaiman dan Rudi Kadarisman told the same. "Dik, at least you should explain the real problem and the condition why you were so late! I think Bang Awing would understand your reason".

I realized they are right. But now, I have my own problem, Mr. Awing would not receive my phone call. Is it a revenge? How sweet! Hahahahaha....! I think, I deserved for that he did to me!

I am so sorry Bang Awing, I know I did some mistake! But I won't do it again. Don't be angry too long with me, it makes me unhappy! Ok?


Berikut kalkulasi biaya yang telah disesuaikan dengan kondisi dan kebutuhan di toko kertas dan percetakan yang sedang berlaku. (tanggal 1 s/d 31 Januari 2009)

Sticker Tandem Bang Awing dan Caleg DPRD Kota dan Kab. Bekasi yang dipesan

No. Nama Jumlah

1. Ronny Hermawan [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=0] [Total=5.000]

2. Zaiman Makmur [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=0] [Total=5.000]

3. Sodikin [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

4. Bunda Ratu [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

5. Mercurius S. (Deo) [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

6. Abadi Ika Setiawan [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

7. Sukono Heru Setianto [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=0] [Total=5.000]

8. Epi S. Kandiana [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

9. Ratna Sari [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

10. Supendi [Terkirim=7000] [Sisa Cetak I=0] [Sisa Cetak II=3000] [Total=10.000]

11. Parada Hutabarat [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

12. M. Alif Lukman (Ares) [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

13. Andi Zabidi [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

14. Nain Djidon [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

15. Mein Jayakusuma [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

16. Maman [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

17. Dadang Rustandi [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

18. Zulkifli Mahafatma, SH. [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

19. Zulkipli, SE. [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

20. Yusransyah Janin [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

21. Paja [Terkirim=3000] [Sisa Cetak I=2000] [Sisa Cetak II=5000] [Total=10.000]

22. Arwis Sembiring, SH. [Terkirim=7000] [Sisa Cetak I=0] [Sisa Cetak II=0] [Total=5.000] (Bayar Sendiri Sebagian)


Total Terkirim = 75.000 lbr

Total dibuat : 205.000 lbr

A .Untuk harga sticker @ Rp.100 saja biayanya total adalah 100x205.000 = Rp.20.500.000,-

B.Sedangkan harga sticker sesungguhnya @ Rp. 200 (Ini harga dimana saya bisa untung dengan segala resiko kerugian saya yang menanggung-- Garansi Cetakan) jadi total biaya untuk harga Rp. 200 adalah Rp. 41.000.000,-

C. Uang yang Bang Awing setorkan adalah =

a. Rp. 5.000.000,- (transfer I)

b. Rp. 8.000.000,- (transfer II)

Total Rp.13.000.000,- (termasuk Pembayaran Sticker Oneway Vision Rp. 2.000.000,-)

Jadi untuk Sticker Tandem Bang Awing baru bayarkan Rp. 11.000.000,- (Sebelas juta Rupiah) - (dan bukannya Rp.24juta seperti isyu berita yang beredar di kalangan caleg DPRD Partai demokrat Kota dan kabupaten Bekasi)


Berikut saya lampirkan rincian biaya cetakan:

1. Belanja Kertas

Belanja kertas untuk 10.000 lembar sticker ukuran 15x10cm2 untuk 22 caleg = 6.000 lbr plano

1 lbr plano harga Rp. 3.450,- ---> Jadi total belanja kertas Chromo Sticker = 3.450 x 6000 = Rp. 20.700.000,-

2. Belanja Film

Untuk membuat film sticker 22 caleg ukuran 1 plano = Rp. 283.000,- (3 x revisi) jadi total = Rp. 849.000,-

3. Ongkos Cetak Mesin SOR-M

Untuk Ongkos Cetak Mesin SOR-M (4 warna ukuran Plano) 1 warna = Rp. 300.000,- total = Rp. 1.200.000,-

Karena kesalahan (dan ini masih dalam resiko garansi kesalahan yang saya tanggung) saya harus mencetak 2 x

Maka Total biaya cetakan adalah 2 x Rp. 1.200.000,- = Rp. 2.400.000,-

4. FINISHING = Ongkos Furnish dan Ongkos Potong sekaligus Packing

a. - Furnishing = 6.000 lbr plano (12 rim plano kertas chromo) @ ukuran 72 x 107 cm2 (biaya furnishing @ Rp.0,12 /cm2)

Total biaya Furnishing adalah = 6.000 lbr x 72cm x 107cm x Rp. 0,12 = Rp. 5.546.880,-

b.- Ongkos Potong = Rp. 250.000,-

c.- Ongkos Packing = Rp. 250.000,- (dipack sejumlah caleg yang dibuat)

d.- Ongkos pengiriman = Rp. 150.000,-


i. Rp. 20.700.000,-

ii. Rp. 849.000,-

iii. Rp. 2.400.000,-

iv. Rp. 5.546.880,-

v. Rp. 250.000,-

vi. Rp. 250.000,-

vii. Rp. 150.000,-


Rp. 30.145.880,- (terbilang= tiga puluh juta seratus empat puluh lima ribu delapan ratus delapan puluh rupiah)

Maka harga selembar sticker tandem adalah = Rp. 30.145.880 / 205.000 lbr = Rp. 147,-

Margin keuntungan yang saya MINTA adalah Rp. 150 - Rp. 147 = Rp.3,-

Jadi kalau Bang Awing tidak keberatan maka harga sticker yang abang pesan adalah Rp. 150,- per lembar untuk pesanan sebanyak 205.000 lbr sticker.

Jadi jumlah total biaya yang harus dibayarkan adalah

= Rp. 150 x 205.000 lbr sticker = Rp. 30.750.000,-

Uang yang sudah ditransfer untuk cetakan Sticker tandem Chromo

= Rp. 11.000.000,-


= Rp. 30.750.000 - Rp. 11.000.000 = Rp. 19.750.000,-

(terbilang = Sembilan belas juta tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah)

Demikian perhitungan kalkulasi yang sebenarnya. Mohon maklum dan pertimbangan serta responnya.

Jakarta, 23 Januari 2009

Nursidik Kelana Rizal

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